Archive for the ‘Misc’ Category

Guinness World Record for indoor gokarting! #1

I guess the time has come that I can go public with this…We’re going for a World Record Attempt! For the last 2.5 months I’ve been coaching a rather special driver. What started out as just helping him indulge in his passion for driving and improving his skills, has now resulted in me becoming his […]

Vital ID Could Save Your Life

Dec. 10th, 2012 By: Shaun de Jager Every once in a while, someone asks me to review or promote their product and it’s not often that I do. Although every once in a while, something comes across my desk that is worth more than it costs and in this case it’s the Vital ID Motorcycle […]

Motion Induced Blindness

Motion Induced Blindness (MIB) is not likely a term you’re familiar with but it is something you’ve experienced, whether you realize it or not. It’s also known as Troxler’s Fading discovered in 1804. It’s the affect whereby objects that are stationary, in relation to your eyes, simply vanish from your peripheral sight when near things […]

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