This year started with a charity event raising money for Princess Margaret Hospital while going for a Guinness World Record and now I’m entered in the Lupus Grand Prix, a charity event for Sick Kids Hospital. See Press Release below… For Immediate ReleaseDate: Thursday September 27, 2018Toronto, Canada Formula Kartways Sponsers Go-Karting Teams in Lupus […]
Archive for the ‘Karting’ Category
Beating a World Record #3

Well…he DID IT! Matt broke the Guinness World Record for longest distance covered in an indoor gokart! In the end and under the excited eyes of the media, Matt completed 772.48km breaking the previous record of 733.6km. Although it’s not official he did it. Once it’s official, then a new official distance will be established […]

Going for a World Record #2

Going for a Guinness World Record is never easy, especially a Marathon/Endurance record over the span of 24hrs. It takes a tremendous amount of personal sacrifice, training, dedication and an unparalleled drive to succeed. Under my guidance as his coach/instructor and with a personal friend, Andrew Jordan, providing the professional medical supervision, Matthew Hayley is […]