Archive for the ‘Distracted Driving’ Category

Ontario Highway Traffic Act gets updates that will affect all Motorists- June 2015

With the final unanimously passing of Bill 31, Transportation Statute Law Amendment Act on June 2nd, 2015. There are quite a few changes that will essentially affect all types of road users as well as increasing penalties for various infractions. It now only needs to be signed into law. This will certainly kick many drivers […]

Safe Driving is No Accident!

It’s that time of year again folks…more lovely weather and  more crashes on our roads. Cars, trucks, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians are all seeing a dramatic increase in crashes. Some injuries are quite serious, some are life-threatening…some are fatal. We are all ‘road users’ regardless of our chosen form of travel and we all have […]

Motion Induced Blindness

Motion Induced Blindness (MIB) is not likely a term you’re familiar with but it is something you’ve experienced, whether you realize it or not. It’s also known as Troxler’s Fading discovered in 1804. It’s the affect whereby objects that are stationary, in relation to your eyes, simply vanish from your peripheral sight when near things […]

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