Archive for the ‘Winter Driving’ Category

Snow and Ice Cometh – Are You Ready?

Ok…this is hardly a news flash but time and time again people in Canada seem to be caught off guard by Old Man Winter and his partner in chaos Jack Frost. Now for those of you who are fans of winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, or even building snow men and snow forts, I’m […]

Winter driving with the ILR Winter Driving School

Now that we are deep into the winter driving season, you would think that by now drivers would have become accustomed to driving on ice and snow. Sadly this doesn’t seem to be the case. Driving on our roads takes skill, far more than most people realize and in fact, they often take it for […]

Winter Car Control SEAT SALE!

Winter Car Control SEAT SALE! Don’t miss out on this great deal! First come, first served for THIS Saturday Jan. 22nd, 2011. This is a special blowout seat sale for only $200! That is a saving of $150! Don’t pass this up! You will have the opportunity to learn advanced driving skills on snow and […]

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