Dream Job with BMW

A local BMW dealership, Endras BMW located in Ajax, Ontario is holding a job contest, which for me, would be a dream job. It’s known as the Ultimate Blogger! They are looking for a tech savy and socially connected person with a performance history. It pays $65k per year and comes complete with a condo and a new BMW every 6mths! I will be attending trips and various promotions around the world with the expectation that I will write about it and anything and everything to do with BMW products and events.

This is a multi-stage contest. First is the initial blog post which needs to voted upon. The top 20 contestants will then move into round two. They will have 48hrs to upload an original 2min, BMW related video. The videos will then need to be voted on and the top 10 finalists will then get a chance at an in person interview.

Lets assume for a moment that I make it past both rounds of voting…the job will be mine. Not only do I love the brand, I’ve owned both BMW cars and motorcycles. Since Endras BMW also sells motorcycles, I will be able to further expose their entire product line. My racing background and driver training work will certainly cover the ‘performance background’ that they are also looking for.

Help me out by following the link and clicking the +1 button. You can only vote once per IP address.

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